دانلود پروپوزال آماده زبان انگلیسی The Effect of Teaching Collaborative Strategic Reading Approach (CSR) on the Improvement of EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
دانلود پروپوزال آماده زبان انگلیسی
The Effect of Teaching Collaborative Strategic Reading Approach (CSR) on the Improvement of EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension
– Introduction
Reading is an inseparable part of daily life and the most necessary skill for it. It is a process involving the activation of relevant knowledge and related language skills to accomplish an exchange of information from one person to another. It requires the reader to focus his/her attention on the reading materials and integrate previously acquired knowledge and skill to comprehend what someone else has written (Chastain, 1988, p. 216). Reading is a receptive skill, similar to listening, during which readers decode the message of the writer and try to recreate it anew (Rashtchi & Keyvanfar, 2019, P. 141)…….
In learning a foreign language, reading is an essential skill to acquire knowledge and exchange information (Chien, 2016; Dlugosz, 2016; Salinger, 2017; Huang, 2017). For the past two decades, awareness of the importance of reading has been steadily growing and consequent demands for effective reading instruction have increased (Burns, Griffin, & Snow, 1998; US National Reading Panel, 2016)……
– Research Questions of the Study
– Hypotheses of the Study
– Definitions of Key Terms
Review of the Literature
– Pilot Study
– Design of the Study
– Participants
– Materials
– Procedures
– Scoring
– Data Analysis
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