دانلود پروپوزال آماده زبان انگلیسی A Study of EFL Learners’ Attitude towards Language Training Software Packages and their Effectiveness: A Case Study of Tell Me More and Rosetta Stone Packages

دانلود پروپوزال آماده زبان انگلیسی

A Study of EFL Learners’ Attitude towards Language Training Software Packages and their Effectiveness: A Case Study of Tell Me More and Rosetta Stone Packages

– Introduction

With the beginning of the era of technology and a whole raft of new language training software packages, it seems quite sensible to take a closer look at some of these attempts to enhance the quality and effectiveness of language learning and teaching. This is quite a fact that the advent of computer and following it the Internet has made the process of language learning easier, more convenient and even more enjoyable. In other words, technology has revolutionized diverse aspects of human life and as such language learning and teaching is no exception. The inclination towards the use of computer and multimedia facilities in the past two decades in the language education has been reported in the works of some researchers such as Salaberry (2016). The form of technology that is taken into consideration in the current study is the language training software packages.


– Statement of the Problem

Benson (2016) defined self-study language learning as the situation in which learners study languages on their own, primarily with the aid of teach-yourself materials. Self-instructed learners working outside of the target language context confront a difficult and lonesome task with high levels of learner drop-out (Jones, 1993; Umino 1999). In Nielson’s (2019) study, just in one phase, 119 participants of 150 dropped out of the program based on different reasons. Some participants listed the lack of time and technical support as the main justification for attrition…………….


– Significance of the study    

One of the main issues to be addressed in studying language learning software packages is an apparent shortage of research in such an area. That is why Nielson (2019) stated that……………

– Research Questions of the Study

– Hypotheses of the Study

– Definitions of Key Terms

Review of the Literature


– Pilot Study

– Design of the Study

– Participants

– Materials

– Procedures


Data Analysis



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