دالود پروپوزال آماده زبان انگلیسی Iranian Language Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives on Interchange, English Result, Top Notch and Total English Series at Intermediate Level

پروپوزال آماده زبان انگلیسی

Iranian Language Teachers’ and Students’ Perspectives on Interchange, English Result, Top Notch and Total English Series at Intermediate Level

 – Introduction 

In the process of language teaching and learning, several components are involved in such as the learners, the teachers, the environment in which the learning event is taking place, the purpose of learning, and more importantly the textbooks since they undoubtedly specify the main part of the teaching in the classroom and out-of-class learning of the students. Hutchinson and Torres (1994) state no teaching-learning situation is complete without adopting its appropriate textbook. Materials and textbooks serve as one of the main instruments for shaping knowledge, attitudes, and principles of the students (Nooreen & Arshad, 2019).



– Statement of the problem

Finding an English institute without a coursebook is something surprising in Iran. Even some people compare different institutes and different teachers based on the coursebook they use in their English classes. Textbooks do not only influence what and how students learn, but also what and how teachers teach. Few teachers teach without a textbook that offers content and activities that form much of what occurs in a class. Nowadays textbooks play a very vital role in the dominion of language teaching and learning. In addition, after teachers, textbooks are considered to be the next significant aspect in the foreign language classroom. As Hutchinson and Torres (1994) believe, the textbook is an almost worldwide component of English language teaching. Millions of copies are sold yearly, and many aid plans have been set up to produce them in different countries.



– Significance of the Study

McDonough and Shaw (2017) believe that there are several circumstances that it is needed to evaluate textbooks. The first is when the teachers might be given the choice to adopt or develop their materials and the second is when they are just users of other people’s products. In both of these circumstances, some degree of evaluation is necessary. In EFL settings it can be discussed that the teacher and the textbook are the two most significant and immediate cultural links between the student’s innate culture and the target foreign culture. If the dominant roles of the teacher and the textbook are accepted, then the way the textbook portrays the role of several people in the target society and the way they use language to express their meanings directly affect EFL students’ choices of language when communicating with native speakers. Therefore, the materials and textbooks of each era in the history of ELT reflect the ethics and philosophies of a teaching method which were trendy at that time.


– Research Questions of the Study

– Hypotheses of the Study

– Definitions of Key Terms

Review of the Literature


– Pilot Study

– Design of the Study

– Participants

– Materials

– Procedures


Data Analysis



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