A Study of Ian McEwan’s Novels Atonement and Solar in the Light of Žižekian Ideology

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A Study of Ian McEwan’s Novels Atonement and Solar in the Light of Žižekian Ideology

  1. General Background

Ian Russell McEwan (born on 21 June 1948) is a well-celebrated English novelist, screenwriter and author of children’s books. He is one of Britain’s most popular contemporary writers. The strong conflicting nature of his early works caused him to be nicknamed “Macabre“. Graphic depictions of rape, incest, and murder—all rendered in detached, forensically precise first person narration in his early works earned McEwan both critical acclaim and his nickname. While his later novels, display considerable growth in the range and depth of his work, McEwan’s prose still focuses heavily on shocking subjects. The more the author has written, the better has linked the outside world of society, popular culture and the politics with the inside world of the human psyche.


  1. The Argument

… The sure extinction that we travel to
And shall be lost in always. Not to be here,
Not to be anywhere,
And soon; nothing more terrible, nothing more true. (Larkin)


The eve of the twenty first century can be roughly dubbed the era of apocalyptic thinking. The idea of “self-degeneration is projected into mainstream culture, fictionalized through different mediums, such as literature and film, and spat back out at us” (Williams).


Aims of the study:


III. Review of Literature

McEwan’s two novels, Solar and Atonement, can be considered as the pillars of this thesis. Solar’s contributions to the end-time imagination as well as Atonement’s apocalyptic scenes were the key inspirations behind the whole body of this study. McEwan’s eloquent writing as well as deep understanding of literature and culture inscribed in the two novels can be the best motivation for every critic not to take simplistic looks towards his texts. The idea is also very much indebted to the Joe Wright’s fascinating movie, which can be considered as a model for every truthful and successful adaptation from a novel ever produced.

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  1. Methodology and Approach

The researcher is convinced that in order to study the new atmosphere of apocalyptism in 21st ………

  1. Definition of Key Terms

Death Drive

The concept of Death Drive (Todestrieb) is initially   vaguely introduced to psychoanalysis by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) in his early works, but in his Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920), Freud started to elucidate the subject in details. He used the mythological figures Eros and Thantatos to elaborate on his theory. Eros is a “tendency towards cohesion and unity”, whereas Thantatos or death drive “operate[s] in the opposite direction, undoing connections and destroying things” (Evans 33).









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