A CDA Approach to the Representation of Cultures and Ideologies through Translated Political Texts: A case Study of Translations of “Killing Hope” by W. Blum and “All the Shah’s Men” by S. Kinzer

پروپوزال آماده زبان انگلیسی A CDA Approach to the Representation of Cultures and Ideologies through Translated Political Texts: A case Study of Translations of “Killing Hope” by W. Blum and “All the Shah’s Men” by S. Kinzer

-General Overview

Translation has been practiced from the very beginning of the human history. In Perez’s words “it is as old as human kind”(2017: 10). Translation has also been discussed from various viewpoints such as linguistic, philosophical, social, and many more. The reason is that the act of translation is involved in more than language and it always takes place in the cultural and political systems and in the history.


– statement of the problem

This research makes use of a method based on Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to investigate the effects of the process of translation on representation of source texts and their authors’ ideological position. The present study takes two political works into consideration. The first book under scrutiny is William Blum’s Killing Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions since World War ΙΙ (۲۰۱۷) which is a history book on covert CIA operations and U.S. military interference during the second half of the 20th century. This controversial book is translated by Hushang Mahdavi entitled .”سرکوب امید” This research endeavors to have a microscopic analysis of Blum’s critical vantage points presented in the translated text.


-Theoretical Framework of the Study

-Research Questions

-Research Hypotheses

-Significance of the Study

When Norman Fairclough (1995: 13) discusses the “discourse practice” dimension of his analysis framework, he states that his dimension is concerned with text production consumption and distribution and defines distribution as “how texts circulate within orders of discourse”. He mentions that the issue of distribution of texts merits more attention. This research follows this line which is depicted in Farahzad’s model of translation criticism and tries to pay attention to translation as a way of text distribution. This purpose was carried out within Farahzad’s framework of CDA. According to Bennet (cited in Duarte J.F. et al, 2018:111), translators working with academic texts need a critical distance with regard to the discourse they use. When a translator becomes familiar with critical approaches to texts, s/he, in fact, recognizes the traces of power in text production, distribution and consumption. This conscious awareness, or in Faircough’s words (1995:18).


– Limitations of the Study

-Definition of Key Terms


– Type of Research

– Corpus

– Procedure

– Data Collection

– Instrument and Data Analysis

– Microlevel

– Vocabulary

– Grammar

– Analyzing the Cover pages

– Method of Analyzing Cover pages

– Macrolevel

– Analyzing Translator’s Judgments

– Translation Strategies

– Data Sheet


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