سوالات زبان تخصصی اداری

سوالات زبان تخصصی اداری

( ۷صفحه) PDF

۴۶- Interpersonal process by which managers try to influence employees to accomplish set
task goals.
۱) Leadership 2) Organizing 3) Goal setting 4) Planning
۴۷- A need for change occurs when
۱) A competitor develops a technology to manufacture goods more cheaply
۲) Customers complain about product quality
۳) a perceived problem exists and employees are quitting the organization
۴) All of the above
۴۸-There are three level of planning……..
۱) Strategic _ long range_ optical 2) Strategic _ long range_ overtime
۳) Strategic _long range_ operational 4) Strategic _operational _long range




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