دانلود پروپوزال آماده زبان انگلیسی An Investigation of the Iranian Foreign Language Teachers’ Knowledge and Performance Based on INTASC Model

دانلود پروپوزال آماده زبان انگلیسی

An Investigation of the Iranian Foreign Language Teachers’ Knowledge and Performance Based on INTASC Model

– Introduction

English is being treated as a world language because of its vast presence in schools all over the world. Students are being taught that English is an international language. School study is an important phase in students’ life (Kannan, 2018)……………

– Statement of the Problem

The last two decades have witnessed a remarkable amount of policy directed at teacher education and an intense debate about whether and how various approaches to preparing and supporting teachers make a difference. Beginning in the mid1980s with the report of the Carnegie task force on teaching as a profession, the Holmes group (1986), and the founding of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) in 1987, a collection of analysts, policy makers, and practitioners of teaching and teacher education argued for the centrality of expertise to effective practice and the need to build a more knowledgeable and skillful professional teaching force. A set of policy initiatives was launched to design professional standards, strengthen teacher education and certification requirements, increase investments in induction mentoring and professional development, and transform roles for teachers (see, e.g., National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future , 1996).


– Significant of the Study                                            

Improving education outcomes is a key priority for any nation around the globe. It is evidently accepted that such an improvement and evolution of education and fundamental change in its system never come true without the evolution in teachers’ attitudes and improving their theoretically and practically professional knowledge…………………

– Research Questions of the Study

– Hypotheses of the Study

– Definitions of Key Terms

Review of the Literature


– Pilot Study

– Design of the Study

– Participants

– Materials

– Procedures


Data Analysis



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