عنوان پروپوزال آماده زبان انگلیسی: نقش گفتار درونی در تسلط شفاهی زبان آموزان زبان دوم

عنوان پروپوزال آماده: نقش گفتار درونی در تسلط شفاهی زبان آموزان زبان دوم

The role of inner speech in oral proficiency of second language learners

قسمت هایی از پروپوزال:

  1. Introduction

We don’t just use language to communicate information to other people, we also use it to communicate with ourselves .In other words we use our inner speech to produce speech sounds in the mind when talking to ourselves or when are thinking or reading. This phenomenon has been given different names by researchers and is commonly referred to as “inner speech”, “inner voice” or as “silent speech”

( Tomlinson, 2016).



Objectives and significance of the study

First of all this research aims to explore to what extent L2 learners on various proficiency levels experience inner speech in the L2. In other words, is there any relationship between using L2 inner voice and the oral proficiency or L2 learners?


  1. Participants

This research will…………


  1. Instrument


  1. Procedure
  2. Data analysis


Bahrami A(2016) Questionnaire of thesis adopted form Guerrero(1999)

Daniels H. (2016). Vygotsky and Pedagogy. London & New York: RoutledgeFalmer

Ehrich J. F. (2018). Vygotskian Inner Speech and the Reading Process, Australian Journal of Educational & Developmental Psychology Vol. 6, 2018, pp 12-25




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