دانلود پروپوزال آماده زبان انگلیسیA Socio-Cultural Prospect toward Translation of Tourism Texts on the Basis of Venuti’s Domestication and Foreignization Theory A Case Study of Eastern Azarbaijan Tourism Texts

دانلود پروپوزال آماده زبان انگلیسی

A Socio-Cultural Prospect toward Translation of Tourism Texts on the Basis of Venuti’s Domestication and Foreignization Theory A Case Study of Eastern Azarbaijan Tourism Texts

– Overview

First of all, in this section, the researcher tends to describe a little about the theory that is applied in this thesis to evaluate the translation of culture specific items in Eastern Azarbaijan Tourism Texts.

One of the key issues in the recent translation theories has been on whether the translator should remain invisible. The term invisibility describes the extent to which certain translation traditions tolerate the presence (i.e. intrusion, intervention) of the translator in the translation (Hatim,2016,45). This term originated in the works of Lawrence Venuti, himself a literary translator since the late 1970s. Venuti suggests that “invisibility” reveals itself in two related phenomena: The “effect of discourse”, that is, the translator’s use of language; A “practice of reading” or the way translations are received and evaluated (Venuti,1995,1).


– Statement of the Problem

It is known that culture is the integrated pattern of human knowledge, beliefs, and behavior that is both a result of and integral to the human capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. Culture thus consists of language, ideas, beliefs, customs, taboos, codes, institutions, tools, techniques, works of art, rituals, ceremonies and symbols. (Stevens et al,2018,430).


– Significance of the Study

Tourism guide texts are texts loaded with culture-specific items. It is important to transmit the message adequately, or it may lead to loss of business. The objective of the present study is to examine different translation techniques, named domestication and foreignization applied in the English section of the Eastern Azarbaijan Tourism guide texts with a special focus on culture-specific items.


– Research Questions of the Study

– Hypotheses of the Study

– Definitions of Key Terms

Review of the Literature


– Pilot Study

– Design of the Study

– Participants

– Materials

– Procedures


Data Analysis



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